Root2Fruit Media.
The Cooler The Cooler

Root2Fruit Media.

Please note that a considerable number of people have recently been left unpaid after working on a production for Joe Gaffney, Jermaine Pinnock and Root2Fruit Media.

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Charlie Southall. Dragonfly.
Freelancers Beware The Cooler Freelancers Beware The Cooler

Charlie Southall. Dragonfly.

It seems that Southall has also achieved some local notoriety in his home town of Brighton. The Brighton and Hove News also got up to date with some of his activities over the years, including those who have taken him to court over unpaid bills and had other entanglements. Particularly unpleasant…a long history of bilking freelancers - and plenty more besides…

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Rick Taylor.
Freelancers Beware The Cooler Freelancers Beware The Cooler

Rick Taylor.

“Sports TV entrepreneur and Fashion Show personality”, lately Rick has taken to wandering around industry employment pages on Facebook touting for workers, but not ones he would actually like to pay thank you very much.

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Serra Erkli. Moishe film.
Freelancers Beware The Cooler Freelancers Beware The Cooler

Serra Erkli. Moishe film.

Serra Erkli has been asked why the minimum wage isn’t being paid for the work but she is unable to say. Caution should be exercised by anyone who is contacted about this production: it may very well add up to less than it first seems. Another employer to avoid.

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