Maia Films. Kennington Film Studios. Fortemus Films.

Avoid this company. The individual behind Maia Films/Kennington Film Studios/Fortemus Films (Andrew Greener) has a longstanding and very poor record for failing to pay freelancers who work for his companies on time, and sometimes at all. He appears to have taken this habit with him from Spectrecom to this new venture(s).

Caution is therefore recommended for anyone considering having any kind of financial relationship with this company or any other he is a Director of.

If you are a freelancer who is encountering any difficulty with being paid on time by this company, please feel free to make contact with the details. Confidentiality guaranteed, no cost, no obligation.

Please note the other names associated with this company/individua

Spectrecom Films
Spectrecom Education
Kennington Film Studios

Kennington Creative Group
Fortemus Films
Maia Films

Tramp Television
TOA Television

Croga Studio Builds

Freelancers beware!


Crew Network: Avoid.


Janet Marrett. Kashif Boothe. Mediathirsty Productions.