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Two articles all industry freelancers should read…

Firstly a blog from freelancer Fanta Jarjussey, explaining why she feels the time has come for her to leave the industry. It’s a sober read, also coming in the same week in which Broadcast highlights the best places to work in the industry.

Jarjussey’s reasons for leaving will strike a chord with many, including “detrimental programming”, racism, and (of course) working hours and conditions.

In contrast, the best companies featured in the Broadcast piece highlight why their places of work have come out top of the survey:

‘We have a relaxed, friendly, energetic and noisy culture that helps build trust and cohesion’ (Multistory Media)

We reach out beyond the established pool of talent to find people outside the London TV bubble – and even outside the industry’ (Blast Films)

‘We don’t clock-watch or call people out if they happen to leave the office early or arrive late. We trust our staff to do their jobs’ (Wildflame Productions)