I’ve been cancelled - should I get paid?
Getting cancelled for a job at the last moment can happen to anyone - what are your options if it happens to you?

Crew Network: Avoid.
There must have been a moment in time where some exec said: “hey, why don’t we set up a thing where we gather up some TV jobs and then charge people to apply for them”? Another company after your hard-earned for very little: Crew Network, run by Rhian Howells.

Production Hive – leeching off unwary freelancers.
Sites that charge freelancers are doing little more than sucking money out of the pockets of industry workers while providing precisely zero value along the way, given that almost all the jobs they advertise are also available on free-to-use social media sites.

Production Base – a warning.
Production Base is one of those sites which charges people to see industry jobs. It is also a site which has come under a fair amount of online criticism of late for their sneaky practice of requiring its members to sign up to a continuing authority to take sums of money out of their bank accounts when their membership elapses.

The mandy network.
There is a site called “The mandy network” which, somewhat hyperbolically, advertises itself as the “number one network for cast, crew and creative professionals”. It isn’t of course, as anyone who has trudged through the pages of its unpaid “opportunities” will readily testify.

Thinking of subscribing to My First Job in TV or Film?
Or My First Job In TV? Before you sign up, you may want to consider what others have said about the value of their subscriptions. Here are just a few – every one of these is a direct quote from an individual subscriber. MFJF / MFJTV