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Sexual harassment in the industry.

Have you experienced sexual harassment - of any kind - in the Film or TV industry? If so (and you are happy to speak about it) then there is a researcher who is interested in hearing your story.

Anna Bull, from the University of York, has been looking at this issue for a number of years and is currently seeking to understand people’s experiences in this area and how well the industry addresses it when it arises.

In order to be eligible to participate in this study:

  • You need to have been working (on a paid or voluntary basis) in the film or television industry in the UK when you experienced (or think you may have experienced) sexual harassment, violence, or misconduct from someone at work. Sexual harassment can be overt – for example, sexualised comments, unwanted touching, or unwanted sexual approaches (including assault). But it can also take more subtle forms, such as someone sharing details of their sex life or asking intrusive questions. It might be an experience at work where something just felt weird and wrong, and you couldn’t put your finger on why. Or, you might have noticed people at work behaving like this towards others. Witnessing these behaviours might have affected your own experience of the workplace – perhaps you feel intimidated or unsafe at work as a result

  • The experience needs to have happened since January 2018, or you need to have attempted to report it to someone in your workplace since January 2018. This is because the lead researcher on this study, Dr Anna Bull, is particularly interested in what – if anything – has changed in recent years, since #MeToo

  • You need to be aged 18 or over

If you are interested in taking part, Anna can be contacted via email ( and you can find out more here, and via an information document here.