Mark Hix. Casting.
January 24th 2023
There is an individual by name of Mark Hix currently wandering around Facebook in a state of confusion. Confusion being that he seems to be unaware that if you take on someone to do work for you, they do have to be paid at least the legal minimum for their trouble.
Hix claims to work for The Casting Collective and Backstage and is currently in the process of being thrown out of various Facebook groups but if any freelancer should come across him, do feel free to remind him that freelancers do like (and need) to be paid as much as he no doubt does. To pay rent/food/heating bills etc.
Thanks all!
The two companies which this individual claims to work for (The Casting Collective and Backstage) both say they have never heard of him and that he does not and has not worked for them. Hix has also, according to a number of freelancers, been privately contacting Supporting Artists claiming to be an agent. Freelancers beware!