Jack Delaney. Derry Shillitto. Simply Thrilled.

There was a time, way back when, when companies routinely advertised for unpaid workers and, when challenged about it, put it down to some appalling misunderstanding usually involving some naughty office junior who had willfully broken company policy and would get a stiff talking to for their sins.

Except maybe not so much of the way back when because it has cropped up again, in 2024.

A company called Simply Thrilled is currenly making a film (with funding from the BFI) and put an advert on Facebook and elsewhere for runners and actors to work on the production. Having applied, numerous freelancers were then told that the work was entirely unpaid, despite the BFI’s strict policy of requiring all workers to be paid at least the legal minimum on their funded productions.

When asked about this (and asked what the BFI might make of this), the Directors of the company, Jack Delaney and Derry Shillitto, fell over themselves to say how this was all some dreadful misunderstanding by some junior worker and of course everyone would be paid (despite the clear evidence of the email saying that the work was “expenses only”).

Despite promising that all the work was now paid, they weren’t in any rush to write back to everyone who had applied however, to confirm that they would be paid. Happy to let that one hang around in the ether a bit longer it seems.

So if anyone does get offered unpaid work on this film - "We’re All Black Down Here" - do get in touch for help in claiming the pay you should, by law, have received.


Paying the Living Wage in TV.


Graham Beswick. Mad Dog 2020 Casting aka Somebody Casting